Next Practice Offering

September 15th - online - Metta
Bhante Viveka and Annie Hoffman

In this mini retreat, we will practice with the Brahma Vihara of Metta - Caring kindness.

 What does it mean to abide in loving kindness?
How do we establish loving kindness in the body, in the mind and in relationship to all beings?
Let us build on this foundation together.

9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Eastern

Zoom Meeting ID: 829 3553 9493 , Passcode: pause
Click here to join the zoom practic

There will be periods of silent and guided meditation, mindful movement, and Insight Dialogue contemplations.

All are welcome, no registration necessary.
Some meditation experience recommended.

Next month in person practice only - see below.

Art & Soul of Insight Dialgoue is offered by the Insight Dialgoue Northeast cohort on a dana basis - by donation. If you would like to contribute to Insight Dialogue Northeast or any specific teacher, you may do so via this link.


2024 Fall Schedule

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our Fall Season of Art & Soul of Insight Dialogue, a monthly series of mostly online mini retreats. There will be one in-person in October.

This year’s dharma theme will be the Brahma Viharas. We look forward to practicing with you.

Sunday October 20 - In person only - 9 am - 1 pm, Jan Surrey, Annie Hoffman and Marsha Lawson

Compassion: In October we will practice in person at Peace House in Cambridge with the Brahma Vihara of Compassion.  Compassion, being with suffering, listening deeply, caring for self and other.  Let's practice with this wholly relalational Brahma Vihara - in relation to self and in relation to others - with the body, heart and mind.

When: Sunday Oct. 20, 2024.  9 am to 1pm.  Doors open for registration at 8:30 am.

Where:  Peace House, 362 Broadway, Cambridge 02139.  A note from the Director of Peace House:   "Peace House has a two-fold mission. We provide a sacred place that is first and foremost a monastic residence: a supportive place for monks to further their spiritual development. Second, through various offerings, we invite visitors to engage in spiritual discovery, meaningful community, and practice. We aim to create conditions where individual and collective peace, connection, and discovery can flourish."

Cost:  There is a suggested donation of $20 to go towards the maintenance of Peace House.  We do want everyone who wants to to participate,  so if the cost is prohibitive, please let us know when you register.  Please bring cash or a check, or donate directly to Peace House at their payment/donation page:  

The teachings by Jan Surrey and Marsha Lawson, and the movement practice by Annie Hoffman are offered on a dana basis.  Dana is the system of generosity in giving and receiving that the Buddha initiated some 2500 years ago where teachers freely offered the teachings and students gave what they could to support the teachers and the continuation of the teachings.  To learn more about the practice of dana, please see  You can give a financial donation to Jan, Marsha at Dana will be shared with Annie.

Parking:   Sundays, parking on the streets is open and free.  

Questions and registration:  Please email Marsha Lawson at for registration - stating that you wish to attend, that the minimum donation to Peace House will be acceptable or prohibitive.  Please email Jan Surrey at or Marsha Lawson at  or call Marsha at 207-233-8714 with questions.

Health safety:  Please do not come to this program if you have any symptoms of illness of any kind.  Thank you for your consideration for the health of our group.  Masks are optional.

Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practiced in direct, face-to-face, heart-to-heart relational contact. We will practice together in dyads and small groups with the six meditation guidelines - pause, relax, open, attune to emergence, listen deeply and speak the truth - and explore the power of relationship in awakening.

We hope you will join us and taste the joyful potential for release and freedom often hidden in our everyday relations. You are invited to attend any and all of these sessions. There will be periods of silent meditation practice, dharma talk, relational meditation practice and mindful movement with Annie Hoffman.

Sunday, November 17 - online - 9am - noon ET - Natalie Eldridge, Subhadra Srinivasan, Annie Hoffman - Mudita: Joy

This mini-retreat will be dedicated to cultivating Mudita, or Appreciative (Empathetic, Sympathetic) Joy as we continue our exploration of the Brahma Viharas – four “abodes of the heart” that support us on the path to awakening. The Buddha called Mudita a “rare and beautiful state.” It is the heart’s capacity to delight in others’ happiness and well-being, rather than responding with withdrawal or envy.

How does joy support our mindfulness practices? How can we cultivate joy in our hearts and in our daily lives?

Sunday, December 8 - online - 9am - noon ET - Sarah Marin, Yenkuei Chuang, and Annie Hoffman - Upekkha: Equanimity

We’ll use our mini-retreats this year to explore the Brahma Viharas..

You are welcome to come to any and all of our practice sessions.